
Enzymes 101

Enzymes are agents of change – Catalysts for biochemical reactions. In the human body, enzymes are involved in the digestion (breakdown) of food into molecules that are small enough for your body to absorb.  Without enzymes, the human body wouldn’t be able to take up the proper amount of nutrients. So, if your body would […]


No Life Without Enzymes

Every living creature needs enzymes. Enzymes are indispensable for many important bio-chemical processes in our body. Plants also rely on enzymes to function as a catalyst for bio-chemical reactions that are involved in mineralisation, plant defence and interaction with the growing medium. Without the many types of natural enzymes, plant life as we know would […]

Green Easy Solutions True Plant Science

Perfect Products to Start

  Regulator increases the availability, mobility, and uptake of nutrients. It also benefits plants by depositing silicon in cell walls, increasing stress resistance, stimulating immune response and creating more dry weight. The mono silicic acid in Regulator is the only form of silicon that is bioavailable and works effective, independently of the other Aptus boosters. […]