Soluciones fáciles y ecológicas

No Magic Potions

The Aptus approach is the natural way. We provide quality uniform products and education that enhance the growers’ production and cultivation. Our approach is based on preventive methodology for plant, pest and environmental problems. In short: avoiding problems before they become problems. We fully respect the rules of nature and take into account the ancient […]

Soluciones fáciles y ecológicas

Optimizing Plant Nutrition

Aptus cooperates with top agriculture universities and research facilities to find the precise balance and composition of nutrients, bio-stimulants and beneficial microbes. This way Aptus has created its nutrients to work together in a synergistic way. Mixing and matching with other brands often breaks the synergistic effect and create nutrition imbalance through overdose of nutrients […]

Familia APTUS

Ambassador of Local Food

Buying local food has enormous benefits over mass produced food, often manufactured as cheap as possible by companies not that are not very interested in health, but in profits. Consuming local products is not only better for the quality of your food but it has also less impact on the environment and stimulates the local economy. […]

La verdadera ciencia vegetal Soluciones fáciles y ecológicas

Perfect Products to Start

  Regulator increases the availability, mobility, and uptake of nutrients. It also benefits plants by depositing silicon in cell walls, increasing stress resistance, stimulating immune response and creating more dry weight. The mono silicic acid in Regulator is the only form of silicon that is bioavailable and works effective, independently of the other Aptus boosters. […]


Aptus – Easy & Low-cost

All Aptus nutrients are extremely concentrated. We don’t add any water to dilute the active ingredients. Instead of using water like many other companies, we formulate our active ingredients in bio-stimulants like humic-, fulvic- and amino-acids. This means every drop contains 100% active material that plants can use as building blocks. It also means that […]