Liebe Grower Gemeinschaft, kennt ihr schon unseren Aptus Super Soil Mix! Entwickelt, um eine optimale Umgebung für das Pflanzenwachstum zu bieten. Diese vollständig organische Mischung stellt sicher, dass deine Pflanzen mit einem Profil aus ausgewogener Ernährung gedeihen. Und das Beste daran: Alles, was du tun musst, ist gießen! Keine flüssigen...

Aptus möchte informieren und ein Bewusstsein schaffen. Uns ist es wichtig, dass die Menschen sich bewusst sind, was sie essen und wie die Produkte angebaut wurden.
Wenn sie wissen, wie Pflanzen traditionell angebaut werden, zeigen wir gerne die Alternative auf: im Einklang mit der Natur.
So erzeugen Sie natürliche Produkte ganz ohne schädliche Chemikalien, Schwermetalle, Chloride und überflüssige Salze.
Neben Vorträgen und Seminaren entsteht hier auch eine Online-Sammlung mit vielen Informationen, die Sie im Garten oder für Innenkulturen anwenden können. Falls dabei noch Fragen offen bleiben, senden Sie uns gerne eine Nachricht.
Education blogs
Vollständige pH-Kontrolle mit Aptus Substratpufferlösungen
Im Gartenbau ist es entscheidend, den richtigen pH-Wert in Ihrem Wachstumsmedium zu erhalten, um Ihren Pflanzen ihr volles Potenzial zu entfalten. Egal, ob Sie Erde oder Kokosfasern verwenden, Schwankungen im pH-Wert können sich darauf auswirken, wie gut Ihre Pflanzen Nährstoffe aufnehmen, ihre Gesundheit und ihren Ertrag. Glücklicherweise war es noch...
Kultivierungserfolg: Die Drei Könige Enthüllt
In der weiten Welt der Pflanzenpflege herrschen nur einige wenige souverän. Heute ziehen wir den Vorhang zurück, um Die Drei Könige zu enthüllen – Regulator, Topbooster und Startbooster – jeder von Aptus Plant Tech mit dem Gütesiegel der Exzellenz. Sie sind hier, um deinen Garten in ein botanisches Königreich zu...
Start Growing The Right Way With These Essential Aptus Products!
With over 20 products to choose from it can be daunting to buy your first set of Aptus products, because what do you need exactly? In this blog, we’ll show and explain the essentials of the Aptus product line. So, we want to feed our plants everything they need to...
Small Measurements: User Guide
Aptus nutrients are highly concentrated. Because of that, we're saving the environment some plastics, we're saving you some back problems, and you're sure you're not paying for expensive tap water. However, when you only need a few liters of water, it can become challenging to accurately measure the nutrients you're...
What EC Should I Use?
One of the most common questions new Aptus users have is: What EC value should I keep in my nutrient solution? Unfortunately, there’s no easy answer here, as it’s dependent on a lot of variables like crop, climate, and growth phase, but we'll attempt to clear some of the fog...
Enzymes 101
Enzymes are agents of change – Catalysts for biochemical reactions. In the human body, enzymes are involved in the digestion (breakdown) of food into molecules that are small enough for your body to absorb. Without enzymes, the human body wouldn’t be able to take up the proper amount of...
The Health Factor – pH
We all know pH is an important measurement for any fertilizer input. Most of us also know that the pH of the medium is a big factor in the availability and absorption of nutrients. What only few understand is the importance of the pH of the plant itself, so that's...
The Quality Factor – Brix
In our last article, we determined that plants actually request attacks from pests and pathogens. Having established that, the next question becomes: How do we get plants to send the 'good' signals and not the 'bad' in a controlled environment? That's where Brix comes in! (Didn't read the article on...
Plant Signals
It's every grower's worst (but all-too-common) nightmare: Checking on your crop and finding out it's infested with pests (or pathogens). Spraying pesticides only works curatively, so a preventive approach would be better. To be able to effectively prevent problems before they arise calls for a deeper understanding of plant...
Nutrient Interactions & Antagonism
It is very important to understand how certain nutrients react with each other. If you don’t understand these interactions, you may over-supplement with a specific nutrient in an attempt to correct a deficiency. Not all deficiencies are caused by a lack of nutrients! For example, calcium deficiency may be diagnosed...
Diagnosing Problems
Knowing how to identify and fix problems in plants is an essential skill for farmers and gardeners alike. But, at the end of the day it’s always better to prevent problems from arising by understanding the underlying cause. When you provide the right nutrients to your plant from the beginning,...
Biochemical Sequencing 101
Traditional agriculture operates by looking at plant like they are machines. We tend to think a little different at Aptus. We believe we should look at plants as living creatures, just like you and me.
Plants possess all the fundamental biological systems humans and animals have. Plants have...
Microbes – Shotgun or Sniper?
It’s becoming more and more clear that a rich microlife is one of the most important factors for healthy plant growth. Microbes preform a myriad of different functions in your substrate ranging from nutrient conversion, to bio-stimulant production, to rhizosphere protection, to nutrient transport and much more! (Click here to...
Fungone: User Guide
Fungone is a protected preventive foliar spray that decreases pathogen problems on leaves while increasing the plant's resistance to future attacks. It helps prevent fungal, bacterial and viral problems by cleaning the leaf and creating conditions that do not favor pathogen development. It prevents future infections by producing a...
Mycor Mix: User Guide
Mycor Mix contain fungal spores of various endomycorrhizal fungi. These special fungi have a symbiotic relationship with plants, which means they work together to make each other's lives better. The fungi fetches nutrients and water for the plant in exchange for exudates (sugars) from the plant.
To effectively...
All-in-One Pellet: User Guide
Aptus All-in-one Pellet is a time-released 100% organic pellet fertilizer that provides complete nutrition for plant development for up to 3 months. Each application lasts 2-3 months and can be reapplies for longer cycles.
It's specially formulated with macronutrients and micronutrients, amino acids and biostimulants to enhance plant...
Micromix Soil: User Guide
Micromix Soil is a high quality bacterial inoculant that has been formulated in collaboration with top universities in Europe. The specific bacteria strains are combined with a specific seaweed variety, Lithothamnium. This seaweed is a rich source of calcium, as well as more than 60 other rare elements. Lithothamnium...
Plants Are Like People!
We have lost the relationship with plants as living creatures. Modern agriculture often views plants as machines that produce food. This point of view has had devastating effects – our crops are weak, lacking nutrition and quality, and our soils are dead.
Plants are amazing biological systems as...
Micromix Drip: User Guide
During the production process of growing substrates all microlife is destroyed/sterilized so that no harmful elements remain. The problem with that approach is that the beneficial bacteria are also destroyed in the process, which makes the substrate more susceptible to pests and diseases. An active (beneficial) microlife is essential...
Buffering Your Water
Balancing the pH in your nutrient tank can prove to be somewhat of a challenge. Nobody likes adjusting the pH in their tank multiple times a day, and all that added acid or base is not doing your plants any good either. That’s where good buffering comes in! WHAT ARE...
Neem – The Organic Pesticide
Neem, nimtree, Indian lilac – these are all different names for the same tree, known as Azadirachta indica. It’s native to the Indian subcontinent, but cultivated all around the world in tropical climates. What’s so interesting about this tree you may ask yourself? Well, it is the source of one...
Testing Ph In Your Soil
In this article we’ll show you how to take pH measurements in your soil. I can hear you think, why would you need to measure the pH in your soil when you already measure it in the water you give your plants? Well, your soil is alive, and there are...
PH Basics
The correct pH in is essential for optimizing your grow. You can measure pH in your substrate as well as in your nutrient solution. Some professional growers even as far as measuring the internal pH of plants with plant sap measurements! For the sake of this article we’ll start with...
Startbooster: Transplanting Dip
Transplanting is one of the most stressful moments for your plant. When it's not done right your plant will need some time to recover before growing any further. Most of us already know not to disturb our plants' roots when transplanting, so in this quick article we'll show you another...
Square foot gardening
Winter is the season of hot cocoa by the fireplace and preparing for the new growing season. While it's still early for gardening in open soil, it’s the perfect time to start building a square-foot-garden. The idea was conceived by Mel Bartholomew, who wrote the best selling gardening book: Square...
Beneficial Microlife
A battle for your garden, invisible to the naked eye, is raging in your root zone. Trillions of microscopic critters are viciously competing for dominance. What are they? What do they do? And why does it matter? You may have heard that a hospital is the best place to get...
Grow Your Own: Sprouts
Summer is over, and most of us have harvested all there was to harvest from our gardens. Of course we still need a steady supply of vitamins and minerals in our diet. Well, we have just the thing for you, because in this post we’re showing you how to grow...
To Mulch, or not to Mulch?
In this post we’re giving you an introduction in the world of mulching. Mulch is basically any material that’s used as a soil covering. There’s a whole lot of organic and inorganic mulch materials available. Think of things like straw, grass clippings, wood chips, leaves, but also newspapers or just...
Silicon & Silicic Acid
What do you think about when you hear "Silicon"? Is it breast implants? Well, that’s far from the only use of the second most abundant element on earth. Silicon is found in things like glass, concrete, porcelain and electronics. It’s used in agricultural fertilizers too. Silicon has only recently been...
Common beginner mistakes
Making mistakes is a great tool for learning and everyone makes mistakes when they first start their own veggie patch. We wouldn’t want you to lose hope after an unsuccessful first season of growing, so we’ll tackle some of the most common beginner mistakes in this article. That way you...
L-Amino Acids
We’ve all heard about amino acids, but what are they really? Without them life on earth would cease to exist. They play an essential role in various critical functions of plants, animals and all other organisms. We’ll take a look at the role amino acids play in plant development, but...
Growing greens at school
With the summer holidays almost over, students and teachers of agricultural school CitaVerde in Heerlen (NL) are getting ready for a new schoolyear. Last year Aptus first collaborated with CitaVerde in the project Green Production. Two classrooms are turned into greenhouses, in which students learn how to grow their own food...
A New Greenhouse
Some two months ago we started working together in the brand new greenhouse of Karel and Carla Crombach. Here you can see some beautiful results of a few weeks of love and attention, with a little help from Aptus All-in-One pellet, Regulator and Startbooster. Karel and Carla believe strongly in...
CitaVerde Update
Time flies as our project ‘Green Production’ is almost looking at the end of the third and last semester of its primary year. CitaVerde College works together with Aptus Plant Tech to grow vegetables in the classrooms. We use very simple methods, but also innovative indoor growing systems and hydroponic...
Karel knows what he grows
Meet Karel Crombach. He and his wife Carla live in the south of the Netherlands, close to the Aptus headquarters. Considering their strong belief in the importance of good nutrition they do everything possible to optimize their health. One of the ways they do this is through growing their own...
Starting a veggie patch
Nothing is more fun than harvesting fresh vegetables from your own garden. And it’s quite easy! That’s why we listed the seven do’s when starting a vegetable garden: the most important steps to begin with, so you can start immediately. It doesn’t even have to be in spring time, but...
Aptus Family Projects
We’re looking forward to a new season of growing delicious vegetables and fruits with our Aptus family. We would like to share this video with you and introduce four of our green partners in constructing some beautiful testing gardens. Restaurant Aan Sjuuteeänjd Chef Jean Thoma making Aptus testing sections in...
Urban Gardening at School
The project ‘Green Production’ at Citaverde College in Heerlen raises awareness on locally grown food. Aptus Plant Tech supports and educates in the classroom on growing their own food and important nutrients. Students do all the seeding and planting and learn about maintaining an urban garden by themselves. All aspects...
Superkale of the Sjuut
Jean Thoma grew some Aptus superkale in his urban garden. Chef and owner of organic restaurant Aan Sjuuteeänjd is enthusiastic: “This super-kale is delicious and weighs almost a kilo! The great thing is that with the lab results from Aptus we can see exactly how much more nutritional value there...
Some big testing results!
It is harvesting season! Aptus Plant Tech collaborates with schools and owners of all kinds of urban gardens to create awareness on locally grown food. To prove our methods and products, all crops get analysed in official laboratories on nutritional value. We like to say: to eat healthy…the plants you...
Restaurant Bio Garden
For the second year in a row we are starting a testing garden at the most sustainable restaurant in the Netherlands; Restaurant Aan Sjuuteeänjd in Schinnen. This season owner and head chef Jean Thoma will show us how to transform our fresh veggies into starlike summer salades and other fingerlicking dishes....
Project Blauwdorp
In the heart of Maastricht young people who have some temporary difficulties getting along in school, get a chance to develop themselves at Cooperation Blauwdorp. An important part of Cooperation Blauwdorp is the urban garden in the center square of the building. The youngsters get to rediscover their talents in real-life...
Guestblog OERMOES
Hi! I'm Danielle den Hartog from Nieuwstadt (Limburg) in the Netherlands and in 2012 I started my own vegetable garden right next to our house on a small piece of land we could rent. I called the garden Oermoes, referring to ancient times in Dutch. I'm so happy and excited about...
Project Herberg de Smidse
Our new vegetable garden is situated in Epen, in the heart of South-Limburg, the Netherlands. Yvo Creuse is the chef of Herberg de Smidse and he came to us with the desire of serving his guests vegetables grown on his own ground. Space wasn’t the issue, but especially in the first...
Become a believer
Each season offers a wide range of produce made available by nature. Nowadays a lot of produce in supermarkets is available all year round, which makes it easy to lose track of seasonality. Kids often don’t know better than eating strawberries year round. When we become more aware of the...
The Power of Regulator
Check out our poster about the strength and impact of Aptus Regulator: the only real and patented monosilicic acid on the market. This poster will be spread all across the globe in 6 different languages in our quest to raise awareness about sustainable agriculture and the importance of strong plants...
Tasting Test With Children
To create awareness about the importance of local food, Aptus Plant Tech organized tasting lessons for children together with Coöperatie Blauwdorp and Stichting LEFteam in Maastricht (NL). In this video kids of primary schools El Habib Maastricht and Bs. Het Mozaïk learn about the tasty way towards a healthy future. Like our Facebook-page...
Star Dish Recipes
Jean Thoma is chef and owner of restaurant Aan Sjuuteeänjd in Schinnen (NL). He works exclusively with bio-veg and forgotten vegetables from his urban garden. Today he is harvesting Swiss chard for tonight’s new dish. During the summer he also works with edible flowers. Together with Aptus Plant Tech we...
Team Aptus in Sweat
Team Aptus participated with over 20 sporty friends at RoermondStormt in the Netherlands, the first edition of a big obstacle race across the center of Roermond on sunday the 25th of september. We made this video to remember 2016 and we allready signed up for 2017!
Problems with Modern Agro
To enhance growth and protect crops against pests and diseases, the use of chemical NPK fertilizers and pesticides has become commonplace in modern agriculture. This has resulted in the disappearance of soil micro-organisms, the exhaustion of carbon from the soil, the disappearance of essential micro-elements (silicon, selenium), soil acidification and...
Aptus All-in-One Liquid
All-in-One Liquid is a 100% mineral based fertilizer suited for all mediums and systems. It can be used from the vegetative phase all the way through to flowering/maturation phase. The unique manufacturing process makes All-in-One Liquid less sensitive to pH-variations and therefore applicable in a wide pH-range. It contains essential...
Deficiency Poster
This poster gives you valuable information about possible plant deficiencies and how to solve them. It is very important to understand how certain nutrients react with each other. They can react in a synergetic way or in an antagonistic way. If you don’t understand these interactions, you may over-supplement with...
Mixing Nutrients
This video shows you exactly how to properly mix Aptus nutrients to let your plants reach their full potential and ultimately maximize your yield. The most important lesson in this video: Always add Regulator first! You can find detailed mixing instructions in various videos on our YouTube channel, which you can...
No Life Without Enzymes
Every living creature needs enzymes. Enzymes are indispensable for many important bio-chemical processes in our body. Plants also rely on enzymes to function as a catalyst for bio-chemical reactions that are involved in mineralisation, plant defence and interaction with the growing medium. Without the many types of natural enzymes, plant...
Project Blauwdorp Grow
Cooperation Blauwdorp is an urban farm in the heart of Maastricht. The project is run by young people who have temporarily difficulties getting along in school. The youngsters get to rediscover their talents in a realistic educational environment. With the help of Aptus they have started an urban farming project...
The Power of pH
Every grower knows pH is an important measurement for any fertilizer input. And most growers have instruments to measure their feed solution. Most also know that the pH of the medium is a big factor in the availability and absorption of nutrients. What fewer growers understand is the importance of...
No Magic Potions
The Aptus approach is the natural way. We provide quality uniform products and education that enhance the growers’ production and cultivation. Our approach is based on preventive methodology for plant, pest and environmental problems. In short: avoiding problems before they become problems. We fully respect the rules of nature and...
Optimizing Plant Nutrition
Aptus cooperates with top agriculture universities and research facilities to find the precise balance and composition of nutrients, bio-stimulants and beneficial microbes. This way Aptus has created its nutrients to work together in a synergistic way. Mixing and matching with other brands often breaks the synergistic effect and create nutrition...
Ambassador of Local Food
Buying local food has enormous benefits over mass produced food, often manufactured as cheap as possible by companies not that are not very interested in health, but in profits. Consuming local products is not only better for the quality of your food but it has also less impact on the environment...
Aptus improves shelf-life
Most producers of apples and pears know that calcium deficiencies cause problems like spots on fruits and bad conservation. What growers often not know is when to start applying calcium, what source of calcium to use in what dosage and how to apply it. Good advice in the use of...
Perfect Products to Start
Regulator increases the availability, mobility, and uptake of nutrients. It also benefits plants by depositing silicon in cell walls, increasing stress resistance, stimulating immune response and creating more dry weight. The mono silicic acid in Regulator is the only form of silicon that is bioavailable and works effective, independently...
Aptus – Easy & Low-cost
All Aptus nutrients are extremely concentrated. We don't add any water to dilute the active ingredients. Instead of using water like many other companies, we formulate our active ingredients in bio-stimulants like humic-, fulvic- and amino-acids. This means every drop contains 100% active material that plants can use as building...
Aptus supports IVN Schinnen
IVN is a Dutch national organisation that has a clear objective: a sustainable society. They aim to achieve this by letting young and old get in touch with nature and let them realize the true value of mother nature. They organize workshops, excursions, walks through the country, exhibitions, courses, educational...
Plants & Nitrates
Nitrate is a polyatomic ion which can be toxic to humans in large quantities as the human body can transform nitrates into nitrite. Nitrite is dangerous to our health so the lower our nitrate intake is, the better it is for our health. Regarding human consumption, the highest nitrate levels...
Future Farm Visit
Aptus Plant Tech is a supplier of the Alegria Soxx Farm in southern California. The high tech project gives us a glimpse of how future farming looks like. Alegria grows up to 130.000 plants per acre, almost four times as much than in regular agriculture. In additiion nutrient density reaches significant...