APTUS Familie

Superkale of the Sjuut

Jean Thoma grew some Aptus superkale in his urban garden. Chef and owner of organic restaurant Aan Sjuuteeänjd is enthusiastic: “This super-kale is delicious and weighs almost a kilo! The great thing is that with the lab results from Aptus we can see exactly how much more nutritional value there is in the treated crops. We are very optimistic about our collaboration with Aptus Plant Tech. For the second year in a row, testing sections have been made and the same crops have been cultivated, with and without Aptus products. The results are impressive.”


Looking at the huge kale, you would almost expect it to be lower in nutritional density. That is not the case. Looking at the treated section, lab results show an increase of:

39% in calcium

36% in magnesium

61% in manganese

High calcium values indicate amongst others a better quality and longer shelf-life. Manganese is important for the metabolism and the process of photosynthesis. We also see a reduction of 44% in sodium and 48% in aluminum , which respectively is better for plant development and healthier for consumers.


Chef Jean Thoma mainly cooks organic and uses as much local products as possible. “We have a great love for everything that has been produced honestly and traditionally. This enables us to tell the story behind our products.

In addition, we cook with forgotten vegetables from our own garden. I like to come here. I find peace and creativity in my garden and it produces beautiful products that provide special flavors within the dishes. Our dishes are inspired by the flavors of the past and can also be seen as regional dishes, but at a high level. We love to restore the products and flavors of this region: Limburg.”

Read more about restaurant Aan Sjuuteeänjd here and like our facebookpage to keep updated on our green way forward!