Liebe Grower Gemeinschaft, kennt ihr schon unseren Aptus Super Soil Mix! Entwickelt, um eine optimale Umgebung für das Pflanzenwachstum zu bieten. Diese vollständig organische Mischung stellt sicher, dass deine Pflanzen mit einem Profil aus ausgewogener Ernährung gedeihen. Und das Beste daran: Alles, was du tun musst, ist gießen! Keine flüssigen Nährstoffe erforderlich, einfach die Produkte […]
Im Gartenbau ist es entscheidend, den richtigen pH-Wert in Ihrem Wachstumsmedium zu erhalten, um Ihren Pflanzen ihr volles Potenzial zu entfalten. Egal, ob Sie Erde oder Kokosfasern verwenden, Schwankungen im pH-Wert können sich darauf auswirken, wie gut Ihre Pflanzen Nährstoffe aufnehmen, ihre Gesundheit und ihren Ertrag. Glücklicherweise war es noch nie einfacher, Ihren pH-Wert im […]
In der weiten Welt der Pflanzenpflege herrschen nur einige wenige souverän. Heute ziehen wir den Vorhang zurück, um Die Drei Könige zu enthüllen – Regulator, Topbooster und Startbooster – jeder von Aptus Plant Tech mit dem Gütesiegel der Exzellenz. Sie sind hier, um deinen Garten in ein botanisches Königreich zu verwandeln, und das macht diese […]
With over 20 products to choose from it can be daunting to buy your first set of Aptus products, because what do you need exactly? In this blog, we’ll show and explain the essentials of the Aptus product line. So, we want to feed our plants everything they need to grow big and strong. That […]
One of the most common questions new Aptus users have is: What EC value should I keep in my nutrient solution? Unfortunately, there’s no easy answer here, as it’s dependent on a lot of variables like crop, climate, and growth phase, but we’ll attempt to clear some of the fog surrounding EC in this article! […]
Enzymes are agents of change – Catalysts for biochemical reactions. In the human body, enzymes are involved in the digestion (breakdown) of food into molecules that are small enough for your body to absorb. Without enzymes, the human body wouldn’t be able to take up the proper amount of nutrients. So, if your body […]
We all know pH is an important measurement for any fertilizer input. Most of us also know that the pH of the medium is a big factor in the availability and absorption of nutrients. What only few understand is the importance of the pH of the plant itself, so that’s what this article is all […]
In our last article, we determined that plants actually request attacks from pests and pathogens. Having established that, the next question becomes: How do we get plants to send the ‚good‘ signals and not the ‚bad‘ in a controlled environment? That’s where Brix comes in! (Didn’t read the article on ‚Plant Signals‘ yet? Click here) […]
It’s every grower’s worst (but all-too-common) nightmare: Checking on your crop and finding out it’s infested with pests (or pathogens). Spraying pesticides only works curatively, so a preventive approach would be better. To be able to effectively prevent problems before they arise calls for a deeper understanding of plant health and signals, and that’s […]
It is very important to understand how certain nutrients react with each other. If you don’t understand these interactions, you may over-supplement with a specific nutrient in an attempt to correct a deficiency. Not all deficiencies are caused by a lack of nutrients! For example, calcium deficiency may be diagnosed due to low calcium levels […]