Soluções fáceis verdes

Common beginner mistakes

Making mistakes is a great tool for learning and everyone makes mistakes when they first start their own veggie patch. We wouldn’t want you to lose hope after an unsuccessful first season of growing, so we’ll tackle some of the most common beginner mistakes in this article. That way you don’t have to make them […]

Família APTUS

Aptus Family Projects

We’re looking forward to a new season of growing delicious vegetables and fruits with our Aptus family. We would like to share this video with you and introduce four of our green partners in constructing some beautiful testing gardens. Restaurant Aan Sjuuteeänjd Chef Jean Thoma making Aptus testing sections in his garden. Restaurant Aan Sjuuteeänjd […]

Família APTUS

Guestblog OERMOES

Hi! I’m Danielle den Hartog from Nieuwstadt (Limburg) in the Netherlands and in 2012 I started my own vegetable garden right next to our house on a small piece of land we could rent. I called the garden Oermoes, referring to ancient times in Dutch. I’m so happy and excited about it. Fresh air in your […]