
Introducing ALL-IN-ONE PRO – The Ultimate Mineral Fertilizer

Aptus has always been about precision, efficiency, and quality, and now we’re taking it to the next level. Meet ALL-IN-ONE PRO—a game-changing 100% water-soluble, highly concentrated mineral fertilizer designed for professional growers. What Makes ALL-IN-ONE PRO Different? Unlike traditional mineral nutrients, ALL-IN-ONE PRO is a finely tuned, complete formulation containing all essential elements needed for […]


What EC Should I Use?

One of the most common questions new Aptus users have is: What EC value should I keep in my nutrient solution? Unfortunately, there’s no easy answer here, as it’s dependent on a lot of variables like crop, climate, and growth phase, but we’ll attempt to clear some of the fog surrounding EC in this article! […]


Enzymes 101

Enzymes are agents of change – Catalysts for biochemical reactions. In the human body, enzymes are involved in the digestion (breakdown) of food into molecules that are small enough for your body to absorb.  Without enzymes, the human body wouldn’t be able to take up the proper amount of nutrients. So, if your body would […]


The Quality Factor – Brix

In our last article, we determined that plants actually request attacks from pests and pathogens. Having established that, the next question becomes: How do we get plants to send the ‘good’ signals and not the ‘bad’ in a controlled environment? That’s where Brix comes in! (Didn’t read the article on ‘Plant Signals’ yet? Click here) […]